Programs and vocational courses

- Developmental course and  program "Sovereignty in the real estate valuation" / Center for Advanced Studies of the training / supervision of the General Organization for Technical and Vocational Training / from 7/6/2008 to 6/7/2008


-       Passing the specialized training program titled "Sovereignty in the estate valuation" (46 hours of training), business and committees sector in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jeddah, the Center for Advanced Studies of the training / supervision of the Real Estate Committee at the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce / from 7/6/2008 to 6 / 7 / 2008



-       Course Affey 1 "/ skills, release energy from the hands, self-hospitalization / from 7 to 10 August 2007 / international expert in the training of health of Chinese Medicine


-       Passing the course "to create a site on the Internet" / University Education Development Center / University of King Abdul Azi / 1425 H


-       Attend and participate in a workshop: "the deterioration of facilities due to steel rebar rust" / Jamjoom Engineering Consultants in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jeddah from .2 to 4 Qida 1415H corresponding to 2 - 4 April 1995


-       Course: "How to write and publish scientific research" / University Education Development Center / University of King Abdul Aziz / 16-20/7/1413 H


-       Course: "teaching skills" / University Education Development Center / University of King Abdul Aziz / 22-26/7/1413 H


-       Course: "Methods of Calendar" / University Education Development Center / University of King Abdul Aziz / 29 / 7 to 3/8/1410 H


-       Attend and pass a training course: "The seven habits of the most influential persons" / Saudi Arabian Airlines / 23 to 26 May 1999


-       Certificate of volunteers / volunteer course No. 7 / volunteer training center / Armed Forces of Saudi Arabia / Royal Saudi Land Forces / from 16/4/1411 until 13/5/1411 H





Membership of the scientific institutes: -

Saudi Society for Civil Engineering
American Concrete Institute - American
Division of the Kingdom (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Member of the Board of Directors of the American Concrete Institute)
Board member of the Civil Engineering Division of the Commission on Engineering (Saudi Arabia)
American Society for Civil Engineering (Construction) America
Electronic Computer Society (Saudi Arabia


Last Update
8/20/2011 3:00:30 PM